What About Obama?
I’ve been keeping track of the primaries this year. I’ve watched the debates and the speeches being made by all of the Presidential primary candidates. I’ve been impressed with some of them and not so impressed by others. I like Huckabee, McCain, and Thompson. I don’t dislike Mitt Romney but a Mormon for President? I don’t’ think so. Hillary, bless her sweet soul is doing her best but is now having the time of her life battling to beat an upstart Barack Obama. Obama, who seems to be touching the hearts and minds of some unexpected groups of people, has it seems the wind at his back.
As an African American I am proud that he has comes so far and that so many people have decided that the platform of a Black man can be taken seriously. Obama is educated, well spoken, well spoken of, well informed and very eloquent. However I have a few problems with his platform. But I’ll only write about one of them in this post. It’s his stand on abortion. For this reason alone I can’t vote for him. I wish I could. But I’m not Pro-Choice. I’m Pro-Life. Our government is using our tax dollars to inflict genocide on its own people. Much of that money has been going and will continue to keep going to Planned Parenthood.
There have been 46+ million American babies killed in this country since 1973. Rod Parsley the pastor of World harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio states that the ongoing federal funding of Planned Parenthood is among America’s most egregious national sins — a tragedy of unspeakable proportions. Abortion is a crime against humanity. The fact that we are forced to sponsor it with our tax dollars is unconscionable. Every committed Christian citizen must join in this battle for the sanctity of life in
There is an online petition available for you to sign if you would like your voice to be heard in regard to the shedding of the blood of the innocent. Click here (Click on Page 3 once on the site) if you would like to sign this petition. I think for those of us that are of African descent it is even more important for us to sign if we really know the facts about the percentage of those aborted who are African American. The latest statistics show that 25% of the African American population has been exterminated since 1973. That is something that must be known. The slaughter has to be stopped.
So to Obama I say I wish you well. To you I ask are you willing to do your part.
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